Nominee Submission

SHE AWARDS EAST AFRICA is an annual non-monetary business awards ceremony for women entrepreneurs in Africa launched in 2021 that seeks to grow the number of socially and economically empowered women entrepreneurs who run women-owned/women-led sustainable businesses in Africa. It was conceived to serve the strategic objectives of recognizing, rewarding and retaining high-quality creative entrepreneurship, innovation, research and development resulting in sustainable women-led SMEs.

SHE AWARDS EAST AFRICA exists to recognize and appreciate women founders developing our nation while creating jobs through entrepreneurship, and also motivate the ones who are yet to start their own businesses.

Winning a SHE Award will expose you and your business across Africa, making YOU a true representation of WOMEN CAN and will inspire other young WOMEN. Want to be part of SHE AWARDS EAST AFRICA? Submit your details or your details below

Nominee Submission SheAwards East Africa

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SHE AWARDS EAST AFRICA is an annual business awards ceremony for women entrepreneurs in Africa launched in 2021
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